• Prepare and maintain all required records, including financial records. Back-up electronic data and protect records. Document checks and securities forwarded.
  • Review and revise Form ADV and disclosure brochure annually to reflect current and accurate information.
  • Formulate and document cybersecurity policies, procedures, and measures.
  • Review and update all contracts. Contracts should be reviewed by the Commission staff prior to use. Keep records of how this was disseminated.
  • Prepare and distribute a privacy policy initially and annually. Keep records of how this was disseminated. Be aware of confidential information transmitted via unsecure means.
  • Deliver disclosure brochure initially and annually as required. Keep records of how this was disseminated.
  • Review for accuracy and maintain all advertisements, including but not limited to website, all social media and performance advertising.
  • Calculate and document fees correctly in accordance with contracts and ADV.
  • Prepare and maintain written compliance and supervisory procedures manual that is relevant to the type of business to include business continuity plan and information security policies/procedures. Assess and update periodically.
  • Implement appropriate custody safeguards, as applicable. Pay close attention to direct fee deduction invoices.
  • Keep accurate financials. File timely with the jurisdiction. Maintain surety bond if required.
  • Maintain current client profiles or other client suitability information. Maintain a due diligence file for recommended products or strategy.
  • Disclose soft dollars or benefits received.
  • Add policies/procedures for seniors/vulnerable persons to include training of personnel.
  • Review solicitor agreements, disclosure, and delivery procedures.

North American Securities Administrators Association | www.nasaa.org